Membership Management
On this page we show you how to integrate the gossip-based membership management protocol CYCLON. The CYCLON protocol generates a unstructured overlay sharing similarities with a random graph. Beside membership management this protocol can be used for resource discovery (e.g., by performing a random walk).
If you would like to learn mor about this protocl, please refer to this paper:
Voulgaris, S., Gavidia, D. & van Steen, M. CYCLON: Inexpensive Membership Management for Unstructured P2P Overlays. J Netw Syst Manage 13, 197–217 (2005).
Add Dependency​
Other dependency managers:
Gradle : compile "org.drasyl:drasyl-extras:0.11.0" // build.gradle
Ivy : <dependency org="org.drasyl" name="drasyl-extras" rev="0.11.0" conf="build" /> // ivy.xml
SBT : libraryDependencies += "org.drasyl" % "drasyl-extras" % "0.11.0" // build.sbt
To use this protocol, you have to use the bootstrapping interface, where you have to customize the server channel's ChannelInitializer.
Below you find a code snippet with a customized initializer including the Chord related handlers.
The CyclonView
object passed to the handlers contains the local (partial) view of the network.
By calling view.getNeighbors()
you will get a list of currently known neighbors and their corresponding addresses.
Please refer to the above-mentioned paper for choosing proper view size and shuffle size values.
import io.netty.bootstrap.ServerBootstrap;
import org.drasyl.handler.membership.cyclon.*;
import org.drasyl.identity.*;
import java.util.Set;
public class MembershipManagement {
public static void main(final String[] args) {
final Identity identity = /* code */;
final int viewSize = 8; // maximum size of peers in own view
final int shuffleSize = 4; // maximum number of peers to shuffle
final int shuffleInterval = 10_000; // shuffle every 10 seconds
final Set<DrasylAddress> initialNeighbors = Set.of(/* code */);
final CyclonView view = CyclonView.ofKeys(viewSize, initialNeighbors);
final ServerBootstrap b = new ServerBootstrap()
.group(new DefaultEventLoopGroup())
.handler(new TraversingDrasylServerChannelInitializer(identity, new NioEventLoopGroup(1), 0) {
protected void initChannel(final DrasylServerChannel ch) {
final ChannelPipeline p = ch.pipeline();
// (de)serialize cyclon messages
p.addLast(new CyclonCodec());
// requests shuffle with random neighbor
p.addLast(new CyclonShufflingClientHandler(shuffleSize, shuffleInterval, view));
// responses to shuffle requests
p.addLast(new CyclonShufflingServerHandler(shuffleSize, view));
.childHandler(/* code */);
A fully working example can be found here: CyclonMembershipManagement